1) How something looks or seems a) appearance b) satisfaction c) not until d) smooth 2) Having to do with creating or appreciating art. a) nasty b) (be) in their, your, etc c) smooth d) artistic 3) Happening by itself or without help. a) flood (n) b) maker c) appearance d) automatically 4) Belonging to or being part of someone or something a) (be) in their, your, etc b) fall in love c) lover d) appearance 5) A reduction or becoming smaller in size or amount a) decrease (n) b) (be) in their, your, etc c) satisfaction d) fold (v) 6) To develop strong romantic feelings for someone a) trash b) fall in love c) maker d) lover 7) An overflow of water that covers land that is usually dry a) flood (n) b) artistic c) nasty d) fold (v) 8) To bend something over on itself to make it smaller a) automatically b) fold (v) c) (be) in their, your, etc d) potential 9) someone who really likes an activity or an object a) stretch (v) b) decrease (n) c) nasty d) lover 10) A person or thing that makes or produces something a) flood (n) b) satisfaction c) that sort of thing d) maker 11) Unpleasant or awful in taste, smell, or behavior a) nasty b) flood (n) c) automatically d) rainbow 12) the time when something will happen or be true a) not until b) stretch (v) c) (be) in their, your, etc d) pour 13) The possibility to develop or achieve something in the future a) potential b) flood (n) c) lover d) artistic 14) To make a liquid flow from a container  a) pour b) trash c) not until d) smooth 15) A beautiful arc of colors in the sky caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight in rain or mist a) potential b) automatically c) rainbow d) not until 16) A feeling of being happy and content a) nasty b) potential c) automatically d) satisfaction 17) having a flat surface without bends or curves a) smooth b) (be) in their, your, etc c) pour d) satisfaction 18) To extend or make something longer a) nasty b) satisfaction c) lover d) stretch (v) 19) a similar or related category or group of things a) stretch (v) b) trash c) nasty d) that sort of thing 20) anything that is worthless and of low quality; waste a) maker b) trash c) fold (v) d) that sort of thing





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