1) Which sense allows animals to detect and interpret chemicals in their environment? a) Sight b) Smell c) Taste d) Touch 2) What is the sense that allows animals to perceive and interpret sounds in their environment? a) Hearing b) Sight c) Taste d) Touch 3) Which sense enables animals to detect and interpret electrical fields in their surroundings? a) Electroreception b) b) Magnetoreception c) c) Echolocation d) d) Thermoreception 4) What is the sense that enables animals to detect and interpret vibrations in their environment? a) Proprioception b) b) Echolocation c) c) Thermoreception d) d) Electroreception 5) Which sense allows animals to detect and interpret light and visual information? a) Sight b) b) Smell c) c) Taste d) d) Touch 6) What is the sense that enables animals to detect and interpret the taste of substances? a) Taste b) b) Smell c) c) Sight d) d) Hearing 7) Which sense allows animals to detect and interpret tactile information through their skin or body parts? a) Touch b) b) Smell c) c) Taste d) d) Hearing 8) What is the sense that enables animals to detect and interpret ultraviolet (UV) light? a) Ultraviolet vision b) b) Infrared vision c) c) X-ray vision d) d) Tactile sensation 9) Animals use their senses to receive signals on the environment. a) True b) False 10) The five senses an animal has are: a) Sight, touch, hear, speak, feel b) Sight, touch, hear, smell, taste c) Taste, speak, listen, taste, smell 11) Which animal uses their sense of hearing because their eye sight isn't good enough to see in the dark? a) Cows b) Raccoons c) Opossums d) Bats 12) What are the flavors human tongues detect? a) salty, sweet, sour, tangy b) salty, sweet, bitter, sour c) salty, sweet, bitter d) salty, sweet, tangy 13) Which sense allows animals to detect temperature, pain, and pressure? a) Sight b) Hearing c) Taste d) Touch 14) Which animal is best known to have a greater sense of smell than humans? a) Bat b) Dog c) Pig d) Goat 15) A german shepherd found a survivor in the rubble after the earthquake. Which sense did it use? a) Sight b) Smell c) Touch d) Hearing

Amazing animals- Senses in animals






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