"I own a brand-new sports car." said Jimmy., " I found the money in the garden yesterday." He said., "Don't touch the fresh paint !" Dad warned us., "I'm sorry but I have to go now." She said., "I have been trying to phone you all day !" My mum complained., "I want to tell you about my trip to New York." said Jane., " You can stay at my place over the weekend." said Robert., “I will play a card game tomorrow.” said Mary., “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” He told me., “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.” said Marty., “I may see you here tomorrow." My father told Ben., “Don’t drink tap water in this city.” The tourist guide advised us., “Don’t read my emails!” Elizabeth ordered her brother., “I didn’t stop at the traffic lights” The policeman apologised., “Don’t smoke in public areas!” Mr Simmons recommended., “Please take off your shoes when you come in.” insisted uncle David., “I have just got back from New York.” admitted Mary., "I will be there by noon." He promised., "You speak English very well." The teacher congratulated her., "We are going to live in Manchester." Herbert invited me., " You can go shopping later." My mum suggested., "I stole the money." My little brother apologised..

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