Biodiversity - The variation of life at all levels (genes, species and ecosystems), Carbon footprint - A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide and methane emissions created by an entity., Climate change - A significant change in the weather patterns over a period of time., Conservation - Protection and management of biodiversity, energy, habitat, wildlife and marine, soil and water resources., Degradation - A change or disturbance of the environment that makes the environment worse., Ecosystem - A community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) living in their physical environment., Emissions - The sending out of gases into the atmosphere or pollutants into the water., Endangered - Something that is threatened and likely to become extinct., Extinction - Death of last species (there is no ability to reproduce and create a new generation)., Global warming - An increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere that causes changes to climate., Greenhouse gas - A gas in the atmosphere that changes the wavelength of radiation from the Sun so it is heat energy and/or reflects infrared radiation from the Earth back to the Eart. , Recycle - To take a material already created but that is no longer used and change into new products to prevent waste. , Renewable resource - A resource that is replaced naturally and can replenish with the passage of time., Sustainability - To provide for basic human needs with degrading or destroying the natural environment.,

Environmental issues vocabulary





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