To make strides - To make significant progress or improvements, especially over time., To entrap someone - To trick or deceive someone into doing something that will get them in trouble or put them in a compromising situation., To be spot on - To be exactly right or accurate. (прямо в точку), To ring true - To seem true or believable based on experience or intuition., To fly in the face of popular opinion - To go against or contradict what most people believe or accept., To dwell on something - To think or talk about something, usually a problem or negative situation, for too long. (overthink, overanalise), It bugs me - It irritates or annoys me. (мене це бісить), To be patently not true - To be obviously or clearly false., To be cut out for something - To have the necessary qualities, skills, or temperament for a particular task or role., To strike a chord with someone - To evoke an emotional response or feel relevant and meaningful to someone., To resent something - To feel bitter or angry about something, especially if you think it’s unfair., To be galling - To be irritating or humiliating., Vacuous comments - Comments that are empty or lacking in meaningful content or intelligence., Sweeping statements - Generalizations or broad claims that do not take exceptions or specifics into account., To trot out the trite phrase - To repeat a cliché or overused expression in a way that lacks originality., To be a complete fallacy - To be entirely false or based on a mistaken belief., Dire consequences - Extremely serious or disastrous outcomes., To rob you of something - To take something valuable away from you, either literally or figuratively.,

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