Are there any people who with you can't be on the same wavelength (найти общий язык) , Do you feel sorry for homeless? Why ? Why not?, Do you think it's okay to look down on those who don't have a university education , Do you think you will be a good role model for your children to look up to?, If a couple doesn't see eye to eye on religion/ lifestyle, will they have a successful relationship?, Some people are insecure. Do you think it's a good idea to flatter them by praising them?, 'All you ever do is nag- ты только и делаешь, что ноешь' have you ever said that to anyone?, Do your parents nag ( доставать, пилить) you about your hair/ style/ untidy room/ homework, Quit nagging! (прекрати ныть!) In what situations can you use this phrase?, Don't get upset, I was only teasing. (Не расстраивайся, я просто пошутил) When do people say it?, Have you ever teased (дразнить) a teacher? How?, Has anyone ever teased you about your hair?, Have your parents ever told you off for swearing, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you' (я не хотел тебя оскарбить) How often do you apologize for saying/doing something wrong, Can you be easily offended? In what situations?, Have you ever been insulted by someone's rudeness? .

Solutions Upper-int 5A speaking







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