1) What is the name of the king of Yamen who wanted to break down Ka'ba? 2) what did Abraha build in Yamen? 3) Where is the Ka'ba? 4) Where is Makkah? 5) What was the name of Quraish's leader? 6) Who is Abdul Mutaleb related to? 7) Why did Abraha want to break down the Ka'ba? 8) What did abraha take with him in his big army? 9) Why did Abdul Mutaleb ask Abraha for the camels back but not to stay away from Ka'ba? 10) Why did Abdul Mutalib tell his people to go to the hills of Makkah? 11) What happened when Abraha ordred the big elephan to destroy the Ka'ba? 12) How did Allah save and protect the Ka'ba? 13) What is the name of the birds holding the rocks? 14) How many rocks were each bird holding? 15) Where are the rocks from? 16) What year did Am Al Feel happen? 17) What did happen also in the same year of Am Al Feel? 18) What is Iman?

A'am Al Feal





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