1) What is Scout's actual name? a) Louisa Mae Finch b) Louisa Jay Finch c) Jean Louise Finch  d) Lea Jane Finch  2) What is the first thing Scout finds in the knot-hole of the tree? a) yo-yo b) a scrap of paper c) toy soldier d) chewing gum 3) What was in Dolphus Raymond's bottle? a) water b) whiskey c) coca-cola d) beer 4) Who tells Jem it is a sin to kill a mockingbird? a) Scout b) Dill c) Atticus d) Mrs. Dubose 5) Where does Dill live during the school year? a) Mississippi b) Arkansas c) Louisa d) Tennessee 6) Who beat Mayella Ewell?  a) Tom Robinson b) Boo Radley c) Bob Ewell d) Heck Tate 7) What is Boo's real name? a) Tony b) Garth c) Hector d) Arthur 8) What talent does Atticus have that both Jem and Scout are surprised about? a) He can play the fiddle b) He is the best shot in Maycomb county c) He was a football star in high school d) He won a prize for gardening skills 9) Who takes the children to a black church? a) Miss Maudie b) Reverend Sykes c) Calpurnia d) Helen Robinson 10) Who runs away from home? a) Dill b) Jem c) Scout d) Mayella

To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz






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