You are at a restaurant, with family, for your birthday and you can choose anything from the menu. What would you choose?, You and your friends are going on a week’s holiday to the French Alps. What activities would you like to experience while you are there?, You have been shopping for clothes for a cousin’s birthday party and meet up with a friend for coffee. Show your friend what you have bought, describing each item. What would you say?, Your friend has just left college after passing his exams, but doesn’t know what sort of job he wants. What types of jobs would you suggest?, You are planning a trip to the UK. Explain why you want to go to the UK and the things or places you would like to see., You have won some tickets to visit a zoo. Decide which place is the best place to take your family or friends. Speak formally to accept the tickets and say which place you have chosen to go to and why., You are talking to a friend about your diet. Talk about food you like and don’t like to eat. Say if you think your diet is healthy or unhealthy and if it needs changing., You want to know how much it is to rent a flat. Talk about how many bedrooms you need and which area you would like to live in. Speak formally and ask questions about the cost of renting, if the area is quiet or busy and what shops and transport are nearby., Your friend from England is coming to visit you. Tell your friend what you are planning to do, visit and see during their stay with you. What would you say?, You are lost in a town that you do not know very well and need to find your way back to your hotel. You stop a passer-by and ask them to help you. What would you say?, You would like to go on holiday to London but your family say that it is too expensive. You tell your family why you think this holiday is a good idea and how you will afford it. What would you say?, Your bag has been stolen while you were in a shop and you go to the police station to report the theft. Describe your bag and its contents and give an account of what happened. What would you say?, You are at the doctor’s surgery because you are feeling very ill after eating a meal in a restaurant. Describe your symptoms and give the doctor details about when and what you ate., You ring your friend to invite them to come to a concert with you. Give them the details about when and where the concert will take place, what sort of music there will be and why you think they will enjoy it., You would like to go to university to study English but your family say that it will cost a lot of money and you should try to get a job instead. You tell your family why you think going to university is a good idea. How you will afford it and what the benefits will be for the future., You have left your coat on the bus and you ring the bus company to report the loss and ask if it has been found. Describe your coat, including what was in the pockets, and tell them the details of when and where you left it., You have arranged to go walking in the countryside but unfortunately the weather forecast is wrong, the weather is stormy, but you still want to go. You must explain this to your family. What would you say?, You have decided that you want to live and work in your local area. However, well paid jobs are hard to come by. You discuss this with your family. What would you say?, You would like to improve your oral hygiene by having your teeth straightened with braces, but you have found out that it would be very expensive. You discuss this with your family. What would you say?, You have decided to go on a shopping spree before your summer holidays. However, your family think that this is not a good idea and that you will be wasting your money. What would you say?, You are going to visit a friend. You call them to tell them about the food you like and the kind of places you want to visit., You are at a train station booking office and want a ticket. Tell the advisor what type of ticket you want, where you want to go and other information related to your travel., You are going on an activity holiday with your friend. You meet for a coffee to ask about what items you should take and what activities you are going to do., A man left his laptop on the bus. You pick it up and take it to lost property. Describe what the man looked like and what he was wearing to the attendant., You had agreed to go to the cinema with your friend this evening but you are not feeling well and you don’t want to go. You ring your friend to apologise and explain why you will not be able to go. You suggest going to see the film another time. What would you say?, A family member has asked you if you would like to have a party for your birthday. Tell them how you feel about the idea, who you would like to invite, where you would like to have the party and what you would like to do. What would you say?, You have found a smart phone in the street and you ring the person who owns the phone because you want to give it back to them. Tell them when and where you found the phone and what you will do to get it back to them. What would you say?, You recently bought a new coat but when you got home you realised the zip was broken. You take it back to the shop. Tell the assistant when you bought it, what the problem is and what you would like them to do about the problem. What would you say?, You go to the pharmacy for some throat pastilles. Tell the pharmacist why you want the throat pastilles and how long you have had the problem. What would you say?, You are at the train station ticket office. Tell the ticket officer where you want to travel to and ask; how much will it cost, when are the trains due and which platform the train will be on. What would you say?, You would like to go to the cinema with a friend. You call your friend and tell them what different types of films are being shown and which ones you would prefer to see. What would you say?, You are organising a birthday cake to be made. You go to the bakers and describe the shape, size and what type of decoration you want on the cake and who it is for. What would you say?, You go to a pet shop to buy a pet. Tell the shopkeeper what type of pet you would like and the reasons why you want that type of pet. What would you say?, You are at the travel agents. Tell the sales advisor the type of holiday you would like, where you would like to go and the type of accommodation you want. What would you say?, You can’t decide which restaurant to go to. You call a friend and ask for recommendations, telling them about the type of food you like to eat and any types of food that you would prefer. What would you say?, You are organising a film night for friends. You go to the shop to buy some DVDs, you ask the assistant to help you; tell the assistant the types of films you are interested in and any actors you like. What would you say?.

NOCN B2 Speaking Part 2 _ 2017-19







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