1) That kid loves computer games. When he got the latest games console for his birthday, he was like a dog with two ____________.  a) heads b) tails c) mouths d) noses 2) Why is Maria crying her ___________ out? I can´t tell if she is delighted or distraught...  a) eyes b) hair c) tear ducts d) mind 3) Distraught I´m afraid. She is down in the ___________ at the moment because her boyfriend left her, that´s why she is crying her eyes out! a) dumps b) mouth c) heart d) eyes 4) Oh no, that´s terrible, poor Maria! Let´s take her out tonight, we will paint the town ____________.  a) pink b) purple c) blue d) red 5) Last night we took Maria out on the town, we painted it red and it was awesome! We had a _____________ of a time! a) dolphin b) shark c) whale d) fish 6) Oh my, I´m so excited, she´s going to be tickled ______________ when she see´s her new car! a) purple b) blue c) red d) pink 7) I can´t believe we lost the game! We dominated them for most of the game, the whole team feels really _____________ done-by.  a) bad b) terrible c) hard d) soft 8) Oh no, that´s terrible, it can´t get any worse. The whole situation really has hit rock __________________.  a) ground b) bottom c) floor d) solid 9) That guy needs to relax, he is always stressed out. He really needs to let his ________________ down sometimes.  a) frown b) hair c) job d) friends

Advanced - Idioms - Happy/Sad






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