1) I finally _____ my pencil case under the bed! a) fownd b) fawnd c) found 2) She held up a _____ mirror a) rawnd b) round c) rownd 3) The lady fell on the ______ a) grawnd b) grownd c) ground 4) I am _______ of my school!  a) prawd b) proud c) prowd 5) The ball ________ quickly. a) bownced b) baunced c) bounced 6) I _________ if I can finish early. a) dowbt b) doubt c) dawbt 7) The football player had a _______ on his face when he missed the ball. a) scawl b) scoul c) scowl 8) Welcome to our ________ foundation! a) scawt b) scout c) scowt 9) I bought a colourful _______ a) tawl b) touel c) towel 10) They heard a loud knocking _______ a) sawnd b) sound c) sownd

Words with ou/ ow





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