he/she/it was/went - fue, I sat the exam - me presenté al examen, I passed the exam - aprobé el examen, I went/ was - fui, I ate - comí, I drank - bebí, I played - jugué, I did/ made - Hice, I bought - compré, I went out - trabajé, I did - hice, he/she/it did/made - hizo, I learnt - aprendí, I helped - ayudé , I answered the phone - contesté el teléfono, I sent mail - mandé correos electrónicos, I wrote emails - escribí correos electrónicos, I liked - me gustó, I loved - me encantó, I hated - Detesté, I started - empecé, I finished - terminé,

KS4 Spanish preterite tense verbs mostly "yo"






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