1) Where is the bird? a) It is in the bedroom. b) It is in the bathroom. c) It is in the kitchen. 2) Where is Mathilda? a) She is in the garden. b) She is in the attic. c) She is in the bedroom. 3) Where is the aunt? a) She in the kitchen. b) She is in the living room. c) She is in the basement. 4) Where are the flowers? a) They are in the living room. b) They are in the attic. c) They are in the garage. 5) Where is the brother? a) He is in the garden. b) He is in the bedroom. c) He is in the bathroom. 6) Where is the mouse? a) It is in the basement. b) It is in the bathroom. c) It is in the kitchen. 7) Where are they? a) They are in the dining room. b) They are in the hall. c) They are in the kitchen. 8) Where is Sam? a) He is in the living room. b) He is in the garden. c) He is in the bedroom. 9) Where is the uncle? a) He is in the bathroom. b) He in the dining room. c) He is in the hall. 10) Where is Tara? a) She is in the garage. b) She is in the attic. c) She is in the basement. 11) Where is the yellow car? a) It is in garden. b) It is in the living room. c) It is in the bathroom. 12) Where is the ball? a) It is in the kitchen. b) It is in the attic. c) It is in the bedroom. 13) Where is the boat? a) It is in the kitchen. b) It is in the basement. c) It is in the garage. 14) Where are the toy bricks? a) They are in the dining room. b) They are in the hall. c) They are in the bedroom. 15) Where is the doll? a) It is in the attic. b) It is in the bathroom. c) It is in the living room. 16) Where is the robot? a) It is in the basement. b) It is in the bedroom. c) It is in the garden. 17) Where is the plane? a) It is in the bedroom. b) It is in the living room. c) It is in the garage.

Parts of house with 2nd grade






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