cochlea - Snail-shaped chamber found in the inner ear, semicircularcanals - Structures associated with our sense of balance and orientation in space, vitreoushumor - Clear gel that fills the posterior portion of the eyeball, cones - Retinal cells specialized for bright light and color vision, cataract - Condition caused by a clouded lens in the eye, gustatory - Receptor cells of the taste buds, olfactory - Term associated with the sense of smell, cornea - Structure in the eye that bends incoming light waves and focuses them on the retina, incus - Ossicle also known as the "anvil", stapes - Stirrup-shaped ossicle, rods - Specialized cells in the retina which provide night and peripheral vision, lens - Biconvex, transparent, flexible structure capable of changing shape to allow precise focusing of light on the retina, malleus - Hammer-shaped ossicle, tympanicmembrane - Anatomical term for the eardrum, lacrimalgland - Secretes a saline solution containing mucus, lysozyme, and antibodies better know as "tears" , chemoreceptors - Structures specialized to respond to chemicals in an aqueous solution aqueous  , ossicles - The three smallest bones in the human body, papillae - Peglike projections of the tongue that contain the taste buds, iris - Visible colored portion of the eye containing muscles that dilate and construct the pupil, auricles - Makes up the majority of the outer ear, also known as the "pinna",

Special Senses Crossword






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