1) I promise I ... tell mum who has broken the vase. a) will b) won't c) am going to 2) I am thirsty. I ... buy some water. a) won't b) am going to c) will 3) I ... work in the garden this evening a) am going to b) are going to c) will 4) We ... visit our aunt next Friday. She's got her birthday party. a) are going to b) will c) won't 5) I am sure our team ... win. a) is going to b) will c) am going to 6) There are black clouds in the sky. It ... rain. a) will b) won't c) is going to 7) Andrew has bought a ticket to the cinema. He ... watch a movie. a) will b) is going to c) won't 8) Maria likes animals. She ... be a vet. a) won't b) is going to c) will 9) Oops, the fridge is empty. I ... buy some food. a) am going to b) will c) is going to 10) - See you! - I ... close the door for you. a) am going to b) are going to c) will

will VS be going to



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