1) plural of box a) boxs b) boxies c) boxes d) boxess 2) plural of child a) childs b) children c) childes d) childrens 3) plural of woman a) womanes b) womans c) women 4) plural of person a) persones b) persons c) peoples d) people 5) plural of baby a) babies b) babys c) babyes 6) plural of story a) storys b) storyes c) stories 7) plural of fly a) flys b) flyes c) flies 8) plural of wish a) wishs b) wishes c) whishies 9) plural of knife a) knifies b) knifes c) knives 10) plural of wolf a) wolfes b) wolves c) wolfs d) wolfies 11) plural of tooth a) teeth b) tooths c) toothes d) teeths 12) plural of leaf a) leafs b) leafes c) leaves d) leavies 13) plural of man a) mans b) men c) mens d) manes 14) plural of shelf a) shelves b) shelfs c) shelfes

Grade 2 Irregular Plural Nouns Assessment


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