worse : wearing sock with holes in them for the rest of your life, or shirts with holes in them?, better : forever winter, or forever summer?, better : forever autumn, or forever spring?, bigger than a bus?, smaller than an ant?, cleaner than your room?, better than your mom's cooking?, better: your mother's or your grandmother's cooking?, worse : ironing or doing the dishes?, more eco : paper or plastic?, worse for the environment : petrol or disel?, the best way to make some quick $$$?, the fastest way to become famous in the social media?, the best way to save for a holiday?, the last place you would ever go?, the most magical holiday destination?, the worst job YOU could have?, the hottest you've efver been?, the coldest place you've ever been?, the most dangerous insect in Poland?, the funniest way to die?, the craziest thing you've done or you've seen someone else do?, the highest peak you've ever climbed?, the furthest you've been from home?, the dumbest conspiracy theory you've heard?, the most creative scam you've heard of?, cuter than a puppy?, better: cats or dogs?, better: a cold sunny day, or a cloudy hot day?, tastier : sweet or salty snacks?.

Comparative//Superlative BlueJay ESL


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