Man: So, ____? Woman: Not very well. ____ I arrived late. M: Oh no! Why? W: My taxi ____. Can you believe it? M: How awful1 That's really bad luck. W: So I had to run to the interview. I looked a ____ when I arrived. M: How ____ W: And I answered the questions really badly. M: Maybe you did OK. It's difficult to know... W: Not this time. M: But you're great ____ your job W: Thanks... but I'm ____ because I did badly in the interview! It's a ____! Good jobs in advertising are very hard to find. M: Well, ____ You'll get another chance. Sometimes, when one door closes, another opens... Satnav: At the traffic lights, go ____ Man: Traffic lights? What traffic lights? There aren't any traffic lights! S: Turn left. M: Oh, OK. S: Turn right. M: Right? You said left! S: In fifty metres, turn right. M: Fifty metres, fifty metres. But there isn't a road! This is so ____! S: Turn right now.M: How can I turn right when there isn't a road? How can I? I don't understand! S: ____. You have followed an ____ route. ____... M: This is ____. I'm ____. I'm turning the satnav ____ S: Goodbye. ____: So this is the slogan for the new online ____ - Yoga holidays. Put your feet up. And the picture shows a woman standing on her head in a yoga position. Client 1: Mmm. E: Do you see? It's a play on words. Put your feet up... as in, relax. But her feet are ____ I'm really ____ that slogan. C1: Hmm. I'm not very ____. She looks a bit ____ to me. Have you got any other ideas? E: Well, we thought of a few others - but we ____ them. Some were ____ - others were just a bit boring. Client 2: Can you tell us what they were? E: Yes, of course. Our first idea was just: Yoga: learn and relax. C1: Ooh, I like that. I don't think it's boring. It's clear and simple. C2: I think you're right. It's perfect. E: Don't you think the new one is more ____?C1: No, ____E: Well, of course, it's ____... Shop assistant: Hello. Can I help you? Man: Yes, I bought this games console here last week and it doesn't work. SA: Oh, I'm sorry ____ that. So, what's the problem ____ it? M: I'm not very ____ the sound ____. There's a strange noise when I ____. Like this: ____. SA: Can I hear?M: Yes. Listen. SA: Oooh, that's an ____, isn't it? M: ____? SA: I said, that's an unbearable noise. Can you switch it ____? M: I can't hear you. I'll ____SA: Maybe you can phone the ____. They usually have a customer help desk.. M: I don't want to phone anybody. I want my money back! SA: I'm afraid we don't ____. M: That's shocking. You have to give a ____ if the product doesn't work. I know my rights! Now, can I have my money ____? Or do I need to speak to the manager? SA: I'll ____ the manager.


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