Is this an example of area, perimeter, or volume? How do you know?  - Perimeter because you are finding the distance around the object. , What does it mean to find the area?  - Area means to find the square units needed to cover a surface. , Describe a situation in which you would need to find the volume. - Answers will vary. , Is this an example of area, perimeter, or volume? How do you know?  - Volume because you are finding the capacity, how much the box will hold. , If you multiply the length and width of an object, did you find the area, perimeter, or volume? How do you know?   - Area because you are finding the surface included within the object. , What does it mean to find the volume? - Volume means to find an object's capacity, how much it can hold. , Describe a situation in which you need to find the area. - Answers will vary. , What does it mean to find the perimeter?  - Perimeter means to find the distance around an object. , Describe a situation in which you need to find the perimeter. - Answers will vary. ,


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