1) Excuse me, do you mind ... (clean) the table, please. a) to clean b) cleaning 2) All my friends wanted ... (go) to the cinema in the afternoon. a) to go b) going 3) ... (Watch) TV is boring. Why don't we go to the cinema tonight? a) To Watch b) Watching 4) My neighbour enjoys ... (collect) stamps and coins. a) to collect b) collecting 5) My father has decided ... (sell) his old car and get a new one. a) to sell b) selling 6) I’d like ... (fly) to the Moon soon. a) to fly b) flying 7) Hector hates .....(go) to the opera. a) to go b) going 8) Molli can't stand ... (live) in this neighbourhood. It's too noisy. a) to live b) living 9) I always forget ...( turn) off the tap when I'm brushing my teeth. a) to turn b) turning 10) Keep ... (work) out at the gym and you'll lose your weight. a) to work b) working

Gerund or Infinitive



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