How old are you?, Tell us about your last birthday. , What does your brother or sister say the most? , Tell us about your best friend. , What is your favorite color?, Show us what your teacher does in class. , How do we eat your favorite food? , Describe your favorite candy for others to guess. , Tell us about the last time you ate ice cream. , What is your favorite toy?, Which sports can you play all year long? , Tell us about a scene from your favorite tv show. , Describe your favorite video game. , Who is your favorite superhero and why? , Act like your favorite zoo animal. , What is your favorite day of the week?, What is one word to describe what you like to do on the weekends?, What do you do after school?, Describe your favorite thing to wear., What is your favorite season and why? , Show us one motion that describes your hobby. , Who is your favorite Disney character?, How do you feel about eating green eggs and ham? .

Conversation topics (questions/statements)



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