1) How old is Pippi? a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9 2) What is the name of Pippi's house? a) Villa Villekulla b) Villa Zilla c) Villa Villa 3) Who is Mr. Nelson? a) A neighbor b) A friend c) A monkey d) Pippi's father 4) What does Pippi often cook? a) Pizza b) pancakes and sausages c) chocolate 5) What does Pippi's father do? a) He's a teacher. b) He's the king of Canny Canny Island. c) He's a policeman. 6) Who are Pippi's friends (in the picture)? a) Peter and Jane b) Phil and Linda c) Tommy and Annika 7) What has Pippi got in front of her house? a) a playground b) a hollow tree c) a trampoline 8) What does "tell fibs" mean? a) zlagati se/povedati majhno laž b) prevračati kozolce c) plezati 9) What does this mean: "Annika never fusses when she doesn't get her own way"? a) Anika nikoli ne laže. b) Anika nikoli ne gre po svoje. c) Anika nikoli ne zganja cirkusa, če ni po njeno. 10) What is this boy doing? a) biting his nails b) eating c) watching TV 11) What are these children doing? a) running b) swimming c) turning somersaults

Pippi Longstocking


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