They absorb water and nutrients from the soil., It transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves., They anchor the plant to the ground., We eat its stem. It grows underground and stores nutrients!, They travel down with gravity., They are the two different root systems we studied., A seed needs them to germinate., It is a small part of a plant that grows into a flower or a leaf., It can be modified into tubers, bulbs or rhizomes., It cracks or peels in various ways when the trunk expands., It is the outside covering of the seed., They keep the soil together., We can eat its fruit but also its flowers, and its seeds., It grows into a baby-plant., It is a part of the seed. It has two small leaves and a tiny root., It is a part of the seed. It stores nutrients., We eat its roots. They grow underground, they are taproots and store nutrients. They are dark red..


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