1) You can ______________ your emotions a) BODY LANGUAGE b) OPTIMISM c) NEGATIVE d) CONTROL 2) The non-verbal signs that indicate how a person is feeling a) OPTIMISM b) SELF TALK  c) BODY LANGUAGE d) CONSEQUENCES 3) These types of emotions include happy, excited, amused and cheerful a) SELF TALK  b) POSITIVE  c) NEGATIVE d) CONSEQUENCES 4) Your emotions can affect the ______________ of a situation a) CONSEQUENCES b) EMOTIONS c) POSITIVE  d) NEUTRAL 5) These types of emotions include grumpy, guilt, rage and mad a) NEGATIVE b) POSITIVE  c) RESILIENCE d) CONSEQUENCES 6) Involves learning to think positively - even when things go wrong a) SELF TALK  b) CONTROL c) OPTIMISM d) BODY LANGUAGE 7) Internal feelings that can be expressed through our behaviour a) EMOTIONS b) OPTIMISM c) POSITIVE  d) BODY LANGUAGE 8) The talk that goes on inside your head, and sometimes even out loud a) BODY LANGUAGE b) SELF TALK  c) POSITIVE  d) CONTROL 9) The ability to bounce back from adversity (tough times) a) NEUTRAL b) RESILIENCE c) BODY LANGUAGE d) POSITIVE  10) Emotions can be positive, negative or ______________ a) OPTIMISM b) NEUTRAL c) RESILIENCE d) CONSEQUENCES

Year 7 - Term 2 - Emotions - Quiz


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