Do you enjoy job interviews? What is the best way to prepare for them?, What is the single biggest mistake you can make in a job interview?, If you applied for a job tomorrow, who would write a good reference for you?, How would you advise a man to dress for a job interview?, How would you advise a woman to dress for an interview?, Does having a university degree really help you get a better job?, Do beautiful people find it easier to get good jobs?, If you were hiring someone to take over your job, what qualities would you look for?, Do you think a person’s marital status should be taken into account when they apply for a job?, Why do you think it is more difficult for someone over 60 to get a new job?, Being successful is not about what you know, it is about who you know. Do you think there is some truth in this expression?, What can companies do to increase job satisfaction among employees? Which of the suggested measures are carrots (incentives) and which are sticks (punishment)?, How can companies make employees work harder or more productively?, Are satisfied employees always more productive than dissatisfied ones?, Which questions should never be asked at a job interview? Why?, What are the benefits and downsides of being a freelancer?, What qualifications and skills should an HR employee have? Why?.

HR discussion



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