1) indicates a noun that means act of, result of, state of a) ness b) or c) sion 2) indicates a noun that means act of, result of, state of a) tion b) or c) ness 3) indicates an adjective that means full of a) ful b) or c) ness 4) indicates an adjective that means person connected with a) mis b) or c) er 5) indicates a noun that means state of, condition of a) mis b) pre c) ness 6) not, opposite of a) un b) pre c) re 7) again, back a) mis b) pre c) re 8) in, into a) in b) mis c) dis 9) not, opposite of a) im b) dis c) re 10) before a) in b) pre c) re 11) not, oppposite of a) pre b) in c) dis 12) in, into a) dis b) mis c) im

REWARDS #9 Activity I Prefix/Suffix Meanings


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