It’s time for recess! You’re planning to play on the swings, but when you get to the on the swings, but when you get to the playground, all the swings are being used. How do you feel?, It’s the end of the school day. Parents have already picked up all your classmates, but your mom or dad isn’t here yet. How do you feel?, You and your friends are playing a board game. All of a sudden your dog runs through the living room and over your game. Game pieces go flying and you lose your spot on the board. How do you feel?, You’re at an amusement park, next in line to get an autographed picture with your favorite character. How do you feel?, You’re at an amusement park waiting in line to go on a roller coaster that goes really fast and high. How do you feel?, Your parents are going to go out to dinner and a babysitter is coming to watch you while your parents are gone. How do you feel?.

Questions - EMOTIONS



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