1) What sport is it? a) swimming b) sailing c) scuba-diving 2) In this sport you need an oval ball. a) rugby b) football c) basketball 3) In this sport you ride waves in the sea.  a) b) c) 4) Choose the description for the sport a) You need a big heavy ball for this sport. b) You use a special ball and a racket. c) You need a ball and a bat. 5) Choose the correct sentence. a) They're cycle. b) They're cycling. c) They're cycleing. 6) What's he doing? a) He is swimming. b) He swim. c) He's swimimg. 7) Are they watching TV? a) Yes, they watch TV. b) Yes, they are. c) Yes, they watching TV. 8) What's the weather like?  a) It's clody. b) It's foggy. c) It's windy. 9) It's _________________. Take your umbrella.  a) raining b) hot c) cloudy 10) It's _____________outside. Let's make a snowman. a) cold b) freezing c) snowing.

Quiz 5th grade



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