Agreeing: Same here., I’m in favour of it., That works for me., I am on the same page with you. , That makes sense. , Disagreeing: Actually, ....... , Many people would agree with it, but ....., I see your point, but I still don’t like the sound of it., On the other hand, ………, Alternatively, …….., I think the negatives far outweigh the positives. , I have major doubts about it. , I'm completely opposed to it. , Partially agreeing: Fair enough, but…..., I’m still not convinced., I have my doubts about it., I agree to a certain extent, but …….. , I don't really know where I stand. , It's a good idea in theory, just not in practice. , I have some slight reservations., I have second thoughts about the idea., That’s not necessarily true because…, Opinions: From where I stand, ……., From my perspective……..., I’m convinced that………, What concerns me, ……, The way I see things, ......,

Opinions + Agreeing/Disagreeing



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