Who would win in a fight: Super Mario or Pac-Man?, What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?, If today was your birthday, what would you want as a gift?, Would you rather switch places with your parents or your teachers for a day?, A genie appears and gives you three wishes, what do you wish for?, If you could be stuck in any movie or TV Show, which would you pick?, Would rather have no WiFi for your phone or not be able to text?, What is the best dream you've ever had?, Would you rather have to brush your hair with a rake every day or brush your teeth with a mop?, What is one food you REFUSE to eat?, If you could only say one word for the rest of your life, what would pick?, If you live anywhere in the world, where would you live?, What is something everyone else seems to like, but you're don't?, What is the best compliment you have ever gotten?, What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it?, What did you want to be as an adult when you were five years old?, If you could have the same meal for the next 30 days, what would you choose?, If you could invite any celebrity to come to school with you for the day, who would you pick?, What is something you'd love to be famous for?, Would you rather have a duckbill for your mouth or rabbit ears?, What is one memory that always makes you laugh or smile?, If you weren't here right now, where would you be instead?, What is one chore you HATE doing?, If you could hire someone to help you for the rest of your, which tasks would you assign them: yard work? cleaning the bathroom? driving? completing your homework/ going to work? , You're stuck in an elevator, which superhero do you want to save you?.


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