1) HTML is a a) Programming language b) Method of data transmission c) Scripting language d) None of the above 2) Which HTML tag cause browsers to show text in italic? a) <text style="italics"></text> b) <ital></ital> c) <i></i> d) <b></b> 3) With which HTML tag do you apply attributes that modify text size, font-face, and colour? a) <font> b) <mod> c) <f> d) <text> 4) To create a bulleted list, you would use? a) <il> b) <ul> c) <ol> d) None of the above 5) To create a numbered list, you would use? a) <il> b) <ul> c) <ol> d) none 6) What is the HTML tag for the largest heading font? a) <H1> b) <H6> c) <H10> d) <H100> 7) The page <title> tag is inside the_____ section a) Body b) Head c) Division d) Table 8) The default alignment of images or text that are in the web page is? a) left b) right c) middle d) bottom 9) What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link to another webpage? a) <link SRC="abc.html"> b) <Body Link="abc.html"> c) <A SRC="abc.html"> d) <A HREF="abc.html"> 10) Which one of the following is the list type that will create a bulleted list? a) unordered b) option c) decorated d) ordered 11) Which of the following is the HTML tag used to insert a line across the page? a) <h1> b) <hr> c) <rule> d) <br> 12) Which of the following tag is used to insert a line break in HTML? a) <h1> b) <hr> c) <rule> d) <br> 13) Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML? a) / b) | c) \ d) ; 14) The tags are always enclosed within a pair of __________________. a) angles <> brackets. b) Curly brackets c) Square Brackets d) Parenthesis 15) You can add information in any format on a web page - text, graphic, image, audio, video etc. a) False b) True c) unsure 16) </HTML> is the last line in any webpage a) False b) True c) Unsure 17) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a web page or any other resource on the World Wide Web. a) True b) False

KS3 - HTML Multi-Choice Quiz



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