1) Somebody found a ring yesterday. a) A ring is found yesterday. b) A ring was found yesterday. c) A ring has been found yesterday. 2) Students will remember the poem. a) The poem would be remembered. b) The poem shall be remembered. c) The poem will be remembered. 3) We didn't know anything about the wedding party because ...... (not inform) about it. a) We didn't know anything about the wedding party because we haven't been informed about it. b) We didn't know anything about the wedding party because hadn't informed about it. c) We didn't know anything about the wedding party because we hadn't been informed about it. 4) They didn't know anything about the wedding party because they .....(not inform) them. a) They didn't know anything about the wedding party because they hadn't been informed them. b) They didn't know anything about the wedding party because they hadn't informed them. c) They didn't know anything about the wedding party because they haven't informed them. 5) A detective ......... (follow) her. He's right behind her. a) A detective is following her. He's right behind her. b) A detective is being followed her. He's right behind her. c) A detective follows her. He's right behind her. 6) The murderer ....... (follow). The Police are right behind him. a) The murderer is following. The Police are right behind him. b) The murderer is being followed. The Police are right behind him. c) The murderer is followed. The Police are right behind him. 7) I always ...... (donate) money to the Animal Shelter. a) I always is donated money to the Animal Shelter. b) I always donate money to the Animal Shelter. c) I always donated money to the Animal Shelter. 8) How much money ....... (donate) to the Animal Shelter every month? a) How much money do donated to the Animal Shelter every month? b) How much money is donated to the Animal Shelter every month? c) How much money are donated to the Animal Shelter every month?

Passive voice Focus 3 unit 8


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