1) Health is … than wealth. a) importanter b) more important c) important d) least important 2) My brother’s handwriting is … than mine a) worst  b) bad c) worse d) the worse 3) Blood is … than water a) thick b) more thicker c) thicker d) less thick 4) Everest is … peak in the world. a) highest b) high c) higher d) the highest 5) Susie is … of all the four sisters a) beautiful b) less beautiful c) the most beautifu d) more beautiful 6) Mars is … from the Earth than the Moon. a) farer b) far c) further d) the furthest 7) The elephant is one of … animals in the world. a) a large b) larger c) largest  d) the largest 8) I am … in cricket than in football. a) interesting b) most interested c) interested d) more interested 9) The Mona Lisa is one of … paintings in the world. a) famous b) more famous c) the most d) the most famous 10) Do you feel … today than yesterday? a) the best b) better c) most better d) more better


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