What is your favorite thing about your dad?, What is your dad's name?, What is your dad's age?, How does your dad calls you when he is angry?, What is your dad's favorite food?, What is your dad's favorite candy?, What is your dad's favorite drink?, What is your dad's last name?, What color is your dad's hair?, What is your dad's favorite TV show?, If your dad were a character in a book, movie, or TV show, who would he be?, What is your dad really good at?, What is your dad not very good at?, What makes you proud of your dad?, What do you and your dad do together the most?, How are you and your dad the same?, How are you and your dad different?, If your dad had a million extra dollars, what would he do with it?, What is your dad's favorite thing to do?, What is your dad's least favorite thing to do?, What is the most important thing your dad has taught you?, What is your dad's favorite color?, What color are your dad's eyes?, What is your dad's occupation?, What is your dad's favorite sport?, What is something your dad always says?.

Father's day questions


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