1) Désolé d'être en retard a) Can you repeat b) Sorry I'm late c) Sorry I forgot my copybook d) Can you close the window? e) Can I go to the nursery? f) Can you help me please? 2) Levez la main a) Be quiet b) Sit down c) Stand up d) Raise your hand e) Close your copybooks f) Take your agendas 3) Peux-tu répéter? a) Can you close the window? b) Can I go to the nursery? c) Can I close the window? d) Can I go to the bin? e) Can you speak up? f) Can you repeat please? 4) Est-ce que je peux ouvrir la fenêtre? a) Can I close the window? b) Can I open the window? c) Can I close the door? d) Can I open the door? e) Can I go to the nursery? f) Can I go to the bin? 5) Je ne sais pas a) I don't understand b) Be quiet c) Raise your hand d) Close your eyes e) Eat your copybook f) I don't know

Classroom English



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