1) The flag that flew at the time of the proclamation is called a) Bendera Keramat b) Bendera Kuno c) Bendera Unik d) Bendera Pusaka 2) The proclamation of independence was carried out in... a) Rumah laksamana Maeda b) Rengasdengklok c) Istana merdeka d) Jalan Pegangsaaan Timur No. 56 3) Who typed the text of the Proclamation? a) Soekarno b) Moh. Hatta c) Sayuti Melik d) Ahmad Soebardjo 4) The one who sews the red and white flag is..... a) Sukarni b) Fatmawati c) Cut Nyak Dien d) Cut Mutia e) Arumbinang 5) Who composed the anthem Indonesia Raya? a) W.R. Supratman b) K.H. Agus Salim c) R. Kusbini d) Ibu Soed 6) Pemimpin Perang Jawa melawan Belanda pada tahun 1825-1830 adalah ... a) b) c) d) 7) This picture is the President of Indonesia to ... a) The second b) The First c) The Fourth d) The Fifth 8) The national symbol of Indonesia is? a) Burung gagak b) Burung garuda c) Padi dan Kapas d) Monas 9) What is the Color of Indonesia's Flag a) Red and Red b) White and white c) Red and White d) White and Red 10) This year, the anniversary of Indonesia's independence day is ... a) seventy-sixth b) seventy-seven c) seventy-seventh d) seventy-six


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