What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?, What is the best pet to own?, Are you frightened of spiders? What do you do if you see one?, Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?, Do you think it is okay to eat meat? Do you know any vegetarians?, Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?, Have you ever been bitten by a dog? , Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to assist a blind person or a policeman?, What animals do you think are cute?, What animals do you think are ugly?, What can children learn by having a pet?, What is the largest animal you have ever seen?, Why do some people not like pets?, Would you allow your pet to sleep on your bed? Why or why not?, Are you allergic to any animals?, Some people prefer to rescue a pet that has been abandoned. Would you prefer to rescue and adopt or buy a pet from a pet shop?, Dogs are sometimes dressed in clothes or decorated. What do you think when you see a dog wearing a sweater or a dog with purple hair?, Some pets and pet owners seem to talk to each other. Do you think people and their pets can communicate?.

Conversation about pets/animals



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