If you could only keep one thing you own What would it be, If you could pick your own name, If you had one wish, If you could outlaw one vegetable, you could go anywhere in the world right now, If you could have one superpower, If you could be any cartoon character, HAVE HANDS FOR FEET OR FEET FOR HANDS?, LIVE IN THE FUTURE OR LIVE IN THE PAST?, SNEEZE ALL DAY OR HAVE THE HICCUPS ALL DAY?, HAVE CATERPILLAR LEGS OR OCTOPUS ARMS?, OWN YOUR OWN BOAT OR YOUR OWN PLANE?, HAVE A MISSING FINGER OR HAVE AN EXTRA TOE?, Name 3 wild animals you would have as pets, Name something you couldn't live without, Name something your good at, What is your favourite game , What is your favourite food, What was the last movie that you saw, What is your favourite sweet treat.



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