darllena - 2ail berson unigol (anffurfiol) darllen, torri - to cut or to break, lluoswch a rhannwch - 2ail berson lluosog (lluosi a rhannu), ysgrifennu - to write, adiwch - 2ail berson unigol (ffurfiol) adio, arllwys - to pour, rho - 2ail berson unigol (anffurfiol) rhoi, gludwch - 2ail berson lluosog, plygu - to fold or bend, gluda - 2ail berson unigol (anffurfiol), suddo - to sink, nofio - to swim, arnofio - to float, gwlycha - You (informal) make it wet, sychu - to dry, sychwch - you (formal) dry it., twymo - to warm, oeri - to cool or chill, gwasgu - to press, squash or squeeze, twymwch - you (formal) warm it up, tynnwch - you lot (2 pers. sing. formal) pull /take away, tyluno - to knead,

Berfau a berfenwau (Gloywi)


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