1) The mop is a _________________ absorbent object. a) water b) non-water 2) Is this mirror _________ can absorb water? a) Yes, it can. b) No, it cannot. 3) The toilet paper _________ absorb water. a) can b) cannot 4) Umbrella is a _________ absorbent object. a) water b) non-water 5) Towel _________ absorb water.  a) can b) cannot 6) Rocks cannot absorb water. So, it is a _________________ absorbent object. a) water b) non-water 7) T-shirt _______ absorb water. a) can b) cannot 8) Which group of objects can absorb water? a) Tissue paper, plastic and newspaper. b) Paper, sponge and cotton ball. c) Plate, handkerchief and wash cloth. 9) In which group this object belongs to? a) Water absorbent b) Non- water absorbent 10) Which of the following objects can be in the same group as this object? a) b) c)

Water Absorbent Objects, Non-Water Absorbent Objects


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