boundless (adjective) - "My love is boundless and as deep as the sea." - not limited in any way : having no boundaries, to endure (verb) - "It will seem like 20 years to wait until tomorrow, but I will endure it." - to deal with or accept (something unpleasant), sorrow (noun) - I don't want to say goodbye. I feel sorrow to say goodbye to you. - a feeling of sadness or grief caused especially by the loss of someone or something, everlasting (adjective) - "We just met, but our love is everlasting." - what lasts forever, eager (adjective) - "Why are you so eager to marry this Romeo?" - feeling very excited and interested, to pretend (verb) - Do you really love her or do you just pretend? - to act as if something is true when it is not true,

Vocabulary Chapter 3 Romeo and Juliet


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