airport - If you want to get on a plane and fly to another place, you need to go to this place., bank - If you want to work here, you must be very good at counting money.,  bridge - You go over this to cross a railway, road or river., university - Older students come to this place when they have left school. They can study special subjects here., chemist's - You can buy things like medicine, soap and shampoo in this place., college - You can study a lot of subjects in this place. It has classrooms, and teachers work there., gym - People play games and do sport in this building., factories - The people that work here might make things out of metals or plastic or wood., castle - This is a big building where the king and queen live., theatre - People wear costumes and act on a stage here and you can come and watch., car park - You can stop your car at this place for a long time., bookshop - This is a place where you can buy books and magazines., museum - you go to this place in a town or city to see interesting old things., fire station - People who work here wear uniforms and have to always be on alert. You can see big red cars here., hotel - People go to these places when they are away from home and they need somewhere to sleep., police station - The people who work here wear uniforms and sometimes help with traffic problems., post office - You go to these places to buy stamps or when you want to send letters., restaurant - You go to this place to eat a meal., skyscraper - This is a tall building taller than most of the buildings. You can see this kind of building mostly in the city., stadium - You go to this big place to play or watch football or baseball games.,

(KB5:Unit-3) A2 Flyers: Places



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