1) There are..... apples on the table. a) Some b) A c) An d) Any 2) There isn't....banana in the bag. a) A b) Any c) An d) Some 3) There isn't....meat in the fridge. a) Any b) Some c) A d) An 4) There aren't.... chairs in the living room. a) Some b) A c) Any d) An 5) There is..... sugar in the tea. a) Some b) Any c) A d) An 6) There are....boys in the yard. a) Some b) A c) Any d) An 7) There isn't....pen in my pencil case. a) A b) Any c) Some d) An 8) There isn't......water in the vase. a) Any b) A c) Some d) An 9) There is ......pear on the plate. a) A b) Any c) Some d) An 10) There is.... salad in the bowl. a) A b) Any c) Some d) An

There is/There are (a,an,some,any)



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