bloom - the flower of a plant, blue - primary color, the color of the sky, chew - bite and grind food with teeth, cruise - to sail on water or move a vehicle leisurely, due - expected at a certain time, few - a small number, fruit - the crop of a plant or tree containing a seed, goose - a water bird with a long neck that honks, hoop - a circular band or rim, a ring, knew - was acquainted with, mood - a state of mind, an emotion, moon - rock mass that revolves around a planet, recruit - to find members for a group or organization, troop - organized group of people or things, true - real and not fictional, single - unaccompanied by others or solitary, goes - moves from one place to another, leaves, thought - an idea,

Unit 5A Lessons 6-10 Vowel Digraphs (oo, ue, ew, ui)


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