Come here you horrible slave ! - Thou poisonous slave, come forth!, Right then! I'll make sure you suffer pain all night tonight! - For this, be sure, tonight thou shall have cramps.., Liar! I cared for you, even though you are dirt ... - Thou most lying slave,I have used thee, (filth as thou art), with human care ..., ... I let you into my home and you dishonoured my daughter ! - ... And lodged thee in my own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child., You despicable slave! I felt sorry for you, taught you language and all sorts, for hours. - Abhorred slave, I pitied thee, took pains to make thee speak,, taught thee each hour one thing or other., Ugly old witch, go away!! Get some firewood!  - Hag-seed, hence! Fetch us in fuel..., ... Obey me! or I'll strike your body with pain! Animals will fear your wailing! - What I command, I’ll rack thee with old cramps, make thee roar, that beasts will tremble at your din., So, slave, go now. - So, slave, hence.,

Molly - translate Shakespeare!



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