We wouldn’t have been late if _____________ ., You would have slept better if _____________ ., If you’d told me you were vegan, I _____________ ., We would have seen the film if _____________ ., If I’d had more money, I _____________ ., We would have picked you up at the airport if _____________ ., If I hadn’t lost my wallet, I _____________ ., If we’d missed our train, we _____________ ., We wouldn’t have gone to that hotel if _____________ ., If our team had played better, _____________ ., If you’d used Google maps, you _____________ ., I wouldn’t have lent you that money if _____________ ., If you hadn’t left the door open, _____________ ., We would have bought that house if _____________ ., If I’d known you were coming, I _____________ ., If you hadn’t reminded me of the appointment, I _____________ ., We wouldn’t have been able to buy the car if weIl _____________ ., I would have left a tip at the restaurant if _____________ ..


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