Consent of the Governed - Citizens give permission to government leaders to make decisions when they vote for them. , Popular Sovereignty - The power of government comes from the people, Federalism - The power of government is divided between national and state governments, Limited Government - the power of the government is limited by the Constitution and consent of the governed., Rule of Law - Everyone, even members of the government, must obey the law., Separation of Powers - The power of government is divided into 3 separate branches to prevent one branch from having too much power., Checks and balances - Each branch of the government has the ability to stop another branch from abusing its power, Majority rule - Decisions are made by majority vote; all decisions affect everyone equally., Equal Protection under the law - The law applies equally to all citizens, Judicial Review - Federal courts can declare laws and government actions unconstitutional, Individual Rights and Responsibilities - Citizens must follow the law; citizens have rights which limit the power of the government,

Principles of the Constitution



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