Bhog mé díom í - I moved her away from me, Dúirt mé léi - I said to her, An bóthar a bhualadh - To hit the road, D’fhiafraigh sí díom - She enquired off me, An eol duit? - Do you know?, Ag achainí orm - Begging me, Bhraith mé - I felt, Tuigeadh di - She understood, Ní bhfaigheadh sí - She wouldn’t get, Chuimil sí - She wiped, Bhain sí di - She took off, Ní raibh a fhios agam - I didn’t know, Cad a dhéanfainn? - What I would do?, Ar sise - She said, D’imigh sí - She left, Braithim - I feel, Ag fiafraí díom - Enquiring off mé, Ní dhearmadfaidh mé - I’ll never forget, a fheiceáil - to see, Thug mé faoi deara - I noticed, Thug mé catsúil siar - I took a quick look back, Bhí siad bailithe - They were gathered, Dhírigh siad - They pointed, Ghearr siad fíor na croise orthu féin - They blessed themselves, Cad ba bhun leis? - What did it mean?, Nár bhreá liom - Wouldn’t I love, Is gearr go - I soon, Leag sé - He placed, Chrom sé - He bowed, ag bagairt - threatening,

Dracula caibidil 1: lth 4-5 Briathra



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