muscles - He works out at the gym every day to build up big ..., pharmacy - You can buy medicine at a ...., pneumonia - A disease of the lungs is called, injured - If someone has been hurt in an accident, he/she is ..., blind - Someone who can´t see at all is, deaf - Someone who can´t hear at all is, examine - If you go to a doctor, he/she has to ....... you first to find out what the problem is., a ward - A section of a hospital is called ..., make an appointment - If you want to see a doctor, you should, from - Our neighbour suffers ..... heart disease, of - Her dad died ... lung cancer as a result of smoking., disease, sickness - Synonymum to "illness", takes - When you go to a doctor, he/she .... your blood pressure., a thermometer - What do you use if you need to take your temperature?, hard of hearing - If someone can´t hear well, he/she is ..., short-sighted - If someone can´t see well, he/she is ..., disabled - If someone can´t use a part of their body completely or easily as a result of illness or injury, he/she is ..., vomit - If you are sick and food comes up from your stomach through your mouth, you ..., rash - Small red spots on your skin caused by an illness or an allergic reaction on something, a surgeon - A doctor who performs operations,


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