1) Scientist make a _________ before they start an experiment a) conclusion b) data c) hypothesis 2) If you _________ water, it changes into solid a) melt b) freeze c) boil 3) Scientist collect _________ while they do an experiment a) data b) steam c) hypothesis 4) When water is hot, _________ raises from it a) steam b) boil c) evaporate 5) _________, scientist make a hypotesis. _________, they test the hypotesis in an experiment. _________, they make a conclusion about the results. a) Next. First. Finally b) First. Then. Finally c) First. Finally. After that 6) _________ when you heat it? a) Do water change b) Does water change c) Water changes 7) You can _________ a liquid from one container to another a) heat b) melt c) pour 8) If you heat ice, it _________ and turns into water. a) melt b) melts c) is melting 9) Most rocks _________ float. They are too dense. a) don't b) doesn't c) do 10) _________ plants need sunlight to grow? a) Does b) Doesn't c) Do 11) Why _________ a scientist wear a lab coat? a) do b) does c) is 12) A marble _________ if you put it into water a) sink b) sinks c) floats 13) If you boil water, it _________ a) evaporated b) evaporates c) doesn't evaporate 14) When you put sand into water, it _________ a) doesn't dissolve b) dissolve c) dissolves

Review: Topic 1


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